
The Nilar Gold Currency, the key to African development

Date: September 13, 2022 Category: News

Fiat money damages African economies and lives.
A common African gold currency, a long-held vision that many Africans still hold, is a way to effectively achieve monetary and thus economic indepe...

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China is emerging as IMF competitor

Date: September 12, 2022 Category: News

China gave tens of billions in secretive 'emergency loans' to vulnerable nations, emerging as world's major creditor and IMF competitor.
China has shelled out tens of billions in opaque 'emergenc...

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An Asian Bretton Woods is suggested

Date: September 10, 2022 Category: News

An Asian Bretton Woods may be on the way.
Sergei Glazyev, a senior Russian economist and Minister in charge of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEU), was leading a committee planning a new trad...

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Polyus gold miner to switch the currency to rubles

Date: September 9, 2022 Category: News

Polyus wins bondholder approval to switch currency for Eurobond payments.
Russia's largest gold miner Polyus has received permission from holders of three Eurobonds to make payments on the debt i...

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Danske Bank forgives debts for 90,000 customers

Date: September 8, 2022 Category: News

Danske Bank AS said that 90,000 Danish customers that owe the bank money will have their debt balance wiped clean after discovering errors in the bank's debt-collection systems.
The Copenhagen-ba...

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